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4 Game Reviews w/ Response

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The backgrounds were horrible, the text didnt stand out and was to read...the music buttons were bad too...The losing frame was pretty boring...Some questions when you it wrong it would take you to random questions...just was very rushed and badly done. You could have tested the game before submitting it.
Im surprise this passed.

HomerDough responds:

First of all, there was no losing frame (only in the beginning). Second of all, some questions wouldn't take to random questions; they were checkpoints. And finally, you should find out about the flash before judging.


I gave you a 7 on graphics because the drawing in the preloader was good. But then it went down from there. The buttons looked horrible, dont(never ever) use those default gradients when you're making buttons. At least make the text on the buttons stand out a little bit more.

I dont know who Jim Raynor is, so...

The clips had pretty good quality, so I gave you a 9 there.
You had a LOT of clips, so that upped my score from 2 to 3.
Just make it look better...if the buttons were nicer I would have given you a 4.

wizardman responds:

Well, the drawing in the preloader wasn't mine, but thanks. Yeah, everyone hates the buttons. I won't ever use those again. Heck, I might redo thsi completely if I ever get some free time. Thanks for the review though, especially the 9 for sound. (I like the 2 for violence too, heh)

Really fun.

This is a really addictive and fun game, even though it's very simple.
I quit on lvl 4, but the hardest for me was lvl 3. At first I couldnt quite get how to play, but after a while I caught on.
This also has a very low filesize, which is very convenient.
Great original game, man.


LuckyLollipopLad responds:

How come you quit if you were enjoying it?

Ah well... Glad it was fairly self-explanatory for you.

Cheers for the compliments.

Stay funky!

I think...

I think he uses decompilers to steal flashes, if thats the case this wouldnt really help. Also, ebaumsworld isnt the only site that steals.

You could have made this look nicer, instead of just blue text on black background, maybe add...anything???


Scotttheskaterr responds:

The creator of animator vs animation. had a different code that alerted him that it was being posted on a website. Mr. Ebaum didnt delete that code. If he did how else would alan have known. Comon do u think ebaum is that smart?

^^Lmao @ stretched distorted profile pic Expect no sympathy from ME--- I'm an MC, this is how I'm supposed to BE--- Cold as a G, my heart is frozen it dont even BEAT--- so expect no APOLOGIES---

Age 32, Male


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